Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Allgemeine Geschäfts-bedingungen

(English version can be found below)

(English version can be found below)

I. Vertragsschluss

(1)      Ausgangspunkt für den Vertragsschluss über die Teilnahme an einer Veranstaltung bildet das Angebot oder das Anmeldeformular, welches die bonding-studierendeninitiative e.V.(nachfolgend „bonding“ oder der „Veranstalter“) dem Kunden per E-Mail oder Postübersandt zur Verfügung gestellt hat.

a.          Angebot:

i.          Das Angebot wird insbesondere für Individualveranstaltungen wie Exkursionen, Vorträgen, Workshops und Trainings verwendet.

ii          Der Kunde kann dieses annehmen, indem er eine entsprechende Erklärung so rechtzeitig absendet, dass sie dem Veranstalter innerhalb der im Angebot festgelegten Frist zugeht. Dies ist ausgeschlossen, wenn der Veranstalter sein Angebot durch Absendung einer entsprechenden Mitteilung an den Kunden bereits zuvor            zurückgenommen oder widerrufen hat.
iii         Ist der Vertrag durch rechtzeitige Annahme des Angebots zustande gekommen, erhält der Kunde eine schriftliche Bestätigung der Anmeldung.

b.          Anmeldeformular (Aufforderung zum Angebot):

i.          Das Anmeldeformular wird insbesondere für Großveranstaltungen wie Messen oder Thementage verwendet.
ii          Der Vertrag kann nur durch rechtzeitige Übersendung des ausgefüllten Anmeldeformulars per E-Mail, Post oder das digitale Firmenintranet zustande kommen. Ist das Anmeldeformular beim Veranstalter eingegangen, so erhält der Kunde, sofern ausreichend Plätze verfügbar sind oder andere Gründe dem nicht entgegen stehen, eine schriftliche Bestätigung der Anmeldung per Mail oder über das digitale Firmenintranet, mit der der Vertragsschluss rechtskräftig wird.

(2)      Nimmt der Kunde in der Anmeldung Bezug auf eigene Vertragsbedingungen, stellt dies keine wirksame Annahme des Angebots bzw. Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung dar. Der Veranstalter ist in diesem Fall nicht verpflichtet, den Kunden darauf hinzuweisen, dass keine wirksame Anmeldung vorliegt.

II. Zweck der Veranstaltung

(1)      Diese AGB gelten für sämtliche Veranstaltungen, insbesondere für Messen, Großveranstaltungen, Exkursionen, Vorträge, Workshops und Trainings. Die Veranstaltungen dienen ausschließlich dazu, dass die Kunden sich als potenzielle Arbeitgeber für Studierende, Hoch- und Fachhochschulabsolventen sowie Doktoranden („Teilnehmer“) präsentieren.

a.        Insbesondere bei Exkursionen wird den Teilnehmern ermöglicht, sich über die Produktionsstätten, die Unternehmensstruktur und Unternehmensphilosophie sowie die Personalpolitik des Kunden zu informieren.

(2)      Hat die Präsentation des Kunden durch Exponate, Werbemittel, das Verhalten seiner Mitarbeiter oder in sonstiger Weise nicht unmittelbar zum Ziel, den Kunden bei den Studierenden der Universitäten und Fachhochschulen als zukünftigen Arbeitgeber darzustellen, oder beschränkt sich die Präsentation des Kunden bei einer Messe nicht auf die zugewiesene Standfläche, kann der Veranstalter den Kunden von der Veranstaltung ausschließen.

III. Werbung

(1)      Der Veranstalter ist verpflichtet, für die Veranstaltung zu werben. Form, Inhalt und Umfang der Werbung liegen im ausschließlichen Ermessen des Veranstalters.
(2)      Der Veranstalter ist berechtigt, für die Bewerbung der Veranstaltung Name und Logo sowie andere Symbole des Kundens zu verwenden, ohne dass es einer gesonderten Zustimmung des Kundens bedarf.
(3)      Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, dem Veranstalter alle zur Bewerbung erforderlichen Informationen und Unterlagen auf Anforderung rechtzeitig zur Verfügung zu stellen. Kommt der Kunde dieser Verpflichtung nicht nach, ist der Veranstalter berechtigt, den Kunden bei der Werbung für die Veranstaltung nicht zu erwähnen.
(4)      Werbemaßnahmen des Kunden für die Veranstaltung bedürfen der Zustimmung des Veranstalters. Diese wird nur erteilt, wenn aus den Werbemaßnahmen des Kunden für die Veranstaltung die bonding-studierendeninitiative e.V. ausdrücklich als Veranstalter erkennbar ist. Dieser Absatz gilt auch für Werbemaßnahmen Dritter im Auftrag des Kunden.
(5)      Der Veranstalter ist berechtigt, von der Veranstaltung Ton-, Bild- und Filmaufnahmen zu machen und diese für Werbung zu nutzen oder sonst zu veröffentlichen, ohne dass der Kunde hieraus Ansprüche gegen den Veranstalter geltend machen kann. Mit der Anmeldung bestätigt der Kunde, dass seine Mitarbeiter, soweit sie an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen, zum Zwecke der Werbung oder sonstigen Veröffentlichung in Wort und Bild dargestellt werden dürfen.

IV. Rechte und Pflichten des Veranstalters

(1)       Der Veranstalter kann den Veranstaltungsort bei Vorliegen sachlicher Gründe ändern, sofern die Veranstaltung in der gleichen Stadt stattfindet. Durch diese Änderung kann der Kunde keine Rechte geltend machen und nicht vom Vertrag zurücktreten.
(2)       Der Veranstalter ist berechtigt, die Veranstaltung abzusagen, wenn deren Durchführung gefährdet ist oder sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer zu der Veranstaltung angemeldet haben. In diesem Fall wird dem Kunden ein bereits gezahltes Entgelt erstattet. Schadensersatzansprüche des Kunden aufgrund der Absage sind ausgeschlossen.

V. Rechte und Pflichten des Kunden

(1)       Unbeschadet der Regelung in Ziffer IV.2 hat der Kunde die vereinbarte Vergütung innerhalb von 30 Tagen ab Rechnungsstellung an den Veranstalter zu zahlen.
(2)       Bei Exkursionen hat der Kunde dem Veranstalter spätestens zwei Wochen vor der Veranstaltung das genaue Vorortprogramm mitzuteilen. Stimmt der Veranstalter dem Programm nicht zu, ist dies in Absprache mit dem Veranstalter anzupassen. Der Kunde trägt sämtliche Kosten für das Vorortprogramm, einschließlich etwaiger Verpflegung der Teilnehmer.

VI. Rücktritt

(1)      Der Kunde hat das Recht, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten. Der Rücktritt ist schriftlich gegenüber dem Veranstalter zu erklären. Er wird wirksam mit Zugang der schriftlichen Rücktrittserklärung beim Veranstalter.
(2)      Tritt der Kunde von einer Exkursion zurück, bleibt er zur Zahlung der vereinbarten Aufwandsentschädigung sowie bereits entstandener Fahrtkosten verpflichtet.
(3)      Tritt der Kunde von einer Großveranstaltungs- oder Messeteilnahme zurück und geht die Rücktrittserklärung dem Veranstalter mehr als sechs Wochen vor Beginn der Veranstaltung zu, bleibt der Kunde zur Zahlung der Hälfte des vereinbarten Entgelts an den Veranstalter verpflichtet. Geht die Rücktrittserklärung dem Veranstalter später als sechs Wochen vor Beginn der Messe zu, bleibt der Kunde zur Zahlung des vereinbarten Entgelts in voller Höhe verpflichtet. Dem Kunden bleibt der Nachweis vorbehalten, dass dem Veranstalter ein geringerer Aufwand entstanden ist.
(4)      Im Falle eines Rücktritts bleibt der Kunde zur Zahlung bereits erstellter Zusatzleistungen und Imageanzeigen verpflichtet, sobald dem Veranstalter ein Aufwand entstanden ist. Dem Kunden bleibt der Nachweis vorbehalten, dass dem Veranstalter ein geringerer Aufwand entstanden ist.

VII. Haftung

(1)      Schadenersatzansprüche des Kunden gegen den Veranstalter sind ausgeschlossen, es sei denn der Schaden wurde durch vorsätzliches oder grob fahrlässiges Verhalten des Veranstalters oder seiner Erfüllungsgehilfen oder in seinem Auftrag handelnder Mitglieder verursacht, oder beruht auf einer Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit einer natürlichen Person. Dies gilt nicht für leicht fahrlässiger Verletzungen wesentlicher Vertragspflichten, soweit die Schadenshöhe den bei Vertragsschluss vorhersehbaren, vertragstypischen Schaden nicht übersteigt. Vertragswesentlich sind Pflichten, deren Erfüllung die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung des Vertrages überhaupt erst ermöglicht oder deren Verletzung die Erreichung des Vertragszwecks gefährdet und auf deren Einhaltung die andere Partei regelmäßig vertrauen darf. Der Anspruch auf Ersatz von entgangenem Gewinn ist in jedem Fall ausgeschlossen.
(2)      Der Veranstalter haftet im Übrigen gegenüber dem Kunden nicht für Schäden, die durch Besucher der Veranstaltung verursacht werden.
(3)      Der Kunde kann gegenüber dem Veranstalter keine Ansprüche wegen eines Ausschlusses von der Veranstaltung gemäß II. Satz 2 oder wegen der Absage der Veranstaltung gemäß IV. Satz 2 geltend machen mit Ausnahme des in VI. Satz 3 geregelten Anspruchs.
(4)      Der Kunde haftet gegenüber dem Veranstalter für alle Schäden, die an den vom Veranstalter zur Verfügung gestellten Präsentationsmöglichkeiten und Einrichtungsgegenständen entstehen, es sei denn, der Veranstalter hat den Schaden zu vertreten.

VIII. Datenschutz

Ist es für die Veranstaltung notwendig, dass der Kunde im Voraus der Veranstaltungen Informationen über die Teilnehmer vom Veranstalter erhält, so dienen diese Datenübermittlungen lediglich der Durchführung, unter anderem der Erstellung der Besucherausweise der Veranstaltung. Der Kunde ist nicht berechtigt, die übermittelten Namen der Teilnehmer zu anderen Zwecken zu verarbeiten und hat diese zu löschen, sobald die Verarbeitung zur Zweckerreichung nicht mehr erforderlich ist. Dem Kunden steht es frei, eigenverantwortlich personenbezogene Daten der Teilnehmer zu erheben.

IX. Schriftform

Änderungen und Ergänzungen des Vertrags bedürfen der Schriftform. Dies gilt insbesondere für Änderungen oder Ergänzungen dieses Paragraphen.

X. Gerichtsstand

Gerichtsstand für alle rechtlichen Auseinandersetzungen aus diesem Vertrag oder aus der Veranstaltung ist Aachen.

XI. Salvatorische Klausel

Sollte eine oder mehrere Regelungen dieses Vertrags unwirksam sein, so bleibt die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Regelungen und des Vertrags insgesamt davon unberührt.

General Terms and Conditions of bonding-studierendeninitiative e.V.

Note: These GTC may be made available in two language versions for the purpose of easier international understanding. German and English. In the event of any dispute, the German version shall prevail. In particular,in the event of any disagreement as to the interpretation of individual clauses of these GTC, the terms and definitions of German law shall prevail.

I. Conclusion of contract

(1)      The starting point for the conclusion of a contract for participation in an event is the offer or the registration form which bonding- studierendeninitiative e.V. (hereinafter referred to as „bonding“ or the „organizer“) has made available to the customer by e-mail or post or in digital form via the company intranet.

a.          Offer:

i.          The offer is used in particular for individual events such as excursions, lectures, workshops and training courses.

ii          The customer can accept this by sending a corresponding declaration in good time so that it reaches the organizer within the period specified in the offer. This is excluded if the organizer has already withdrawn or revoked its offer by sending a corresponding notification to the customer.
iii         If the contract is concluded by timely acceptance of the offer, the customer will receive written confirmation of the registration.

b.          Registration form (request for offer):

i.          The registration form is used in particular for major events such as trade fairs or theme days.
ii          The contract can only be concluded by sending the completed registration form in good time by email, post or the digital company intranet. Once the registration form has been received by the organizer, the customer will receive a written confirmation of the registration by email or via the digital company intranet, provided there are sufficient places available or other reasons not preventing this, with which the conclusion of the contract becomes legally binding.

(2)      If the customer refers to their own contractual conditions in the registration, this does not constitute an effective acceptance of the offer or registration for the event. In this case, the organizer is not obliged to inform the customer that no effective registration has been made.

II. Purpose of the event

(1)      These GTC apply to all events, in particular trade fairs, major events, excursions, lectures, workshops and training sessions. The sole purpose of the events is for the customers to present themselves as potential employers for students, university and university of applied sciences graduates and doctoral candidates („participants“).

a.        Excursions in particular allow participants to find out about the customer‘s production facilities, corporate structure, corporate philosophy and personnel policy.

(2)      If the customer‘s presentation through exhibits, advertising materials, the conduct of its employees or in any other way does not directly aim to present the customer as a future employer to students at universities and universities of applied sciences, or if the customer‘s presentation at a trade fair is not limited to the allocated stand space, the organizer may exclude the customer from the event.

III. Advertising

(1)      The organizer is obliged to advertise the event. The form, content and scope of the advertising are at the sole discretion of the organizer.
(2)      The organizer is entitled to use the customer‘s name and logo and other symbols to advertise the event without requiring the customer‘s separate consent.
(3)     The customer is obliged to provide the organizer with all information and documents required for advertising in good time upon request. If the customer fails to comply with this obligation, the organizer shall be entitled not to mention the customer when advertising the event.
(4)      Advertising measures by the customer for the event require the consent of the organizer. This shall only be granted if the customer‘s advertising measures for the event expressly identify bonding-studierendeninitiative e.V. as the organizer. This paragraph also applies to advertising by third parties on behalf of the customer.
(5)     The organizer is entitled to make sound, image and film recordings of the event and to use these for advertising or otherwise publish them without the customer being able to assert any claims against the organizer. By registering, the customer confirms that his employees, insofar as they participate in the event, may be depicted in words and images for the purpose of advertising or other publication.

IV. Rights and obligations of the organizer

(1)     The organizer may change the event location for objective reasons, provided that the event takes place in the same city. This change does not entitle the customer to assert any rights or withdraw from the contract.
(2)       The organizer is entitled to cancel the event if its implementation is at risk or if not enough participants have registered for the event. In this case, the customer will be refunded any fees already paid. Claims for damages by the customer due to the cancellation are excluded.

V. Rights and obligations of the customer

(1)       Notwithstanding the provision in Section IV.2, the customer must pay the agreed remuneration to the organizer within 30 days of invoicing.
(2)       In the case of excursions, the customer must inform the organizer of the exact on-site program at least two weeks before the event. If the organizer does not agree to the program, it must be adjusted in consultation with the organizer. The customer shall bear all costs for the on-site program, including any catering for the participants.

VI. Resignation

(1)      The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract. Withdrawal must be declared in writing to the organizer. It shall become effective upon receipt of the written declaration of withdrawal by the organizer.
(2)      If the customer withdraws from an excursion, he shall remain obliged to pay the agreed expense allowance and any travel costs already incurred.
(3)     If the customer withdraws from participation in a major event or trade fair and the organizer receives the notice of withdrawal more than six weeks before the start of the event, the customer shall remain obliged to pay half of the agreed fee to the organizer. If the declaration of withdrawal is received by the organizer later than six weeks before the start of the trade fair, the customer shall remain obliged to pay the agreed fee in full . The customer reserves the right to prove that the organizer has incurred lower expenses.
(4)     In the event of withdrawal, the customer shall remain obliged to pay for any additional services and image advertisements already provided as soon as the organizer has incurred expenses. The customer reserves the right to prove that the organizer has incurred lower expenses.

VII. Liability

(1)      Claims for damages by the customer against the organizer are excluded unless the damage was caused by intentional or grossly negligent conduct on the part of the organizer or its vicarious agents or members acting on its behalf, or i s based on injury to the life, limb or health of a natural person. This does not apply to slightly negligent breaches of essential contractual obligations, insofar as the amount of damage does not exceed the damage foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded and typical for the contract. Essential contractual obligations are obligations whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract or whose breach jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract and on whose compliance the other party may regularly rely. Claims for compensation for loss of profit are excluded in all cases.
(2)      Furthermore, the organizer shall not be liable to the customer for any damage caused by visitors to the event.
(3)     The customer may not assert any claims against the organizer due to exclusion from the event pursuant to II. sentence 2 or due to the cancellation of the event pursuant to IV. sentence 2, with the exception of the claim regulated in VI. sentence 3.
(4)      The customer shall be liable to the organizer for all damage caused to the presentation facilities and furnishings provided by the organizer, unless the organizer is responsible for the damage.

VIII. Data Protection

If it is necessary for the event that the customer receives information about the participants from the organizer in advance of the events, these data transmissions serve only to carry out the event, including the creation of visitor passes for the event. The customer is not entitled to process the transmitted names of the participants for other purposes and must delete them as soon as the processing is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose. The customer is free to collect personal data of the participants on his own responsibility.

IX. Written form

Amendments and additions to the contract must be made in writing. This applies in particular to amendments or additions to this paragraph.

X. Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising from this contract or from the event is Aachen.

XI. Severability clause

Should one or more provisions of this contract be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and the contract as a whole.

General Terms and Conditions of
bonding-studierendeninitiative e.V.

Note: These GTC may be made available in two language versions for the purpose of easier international understanding. German and English. In the event of any dispute, the German version shall prevail. In particular,in the event of any disagreement as to the interpretation of individual clauses of these GTC, the terms and definitions of German law shall prevail.

I. Conclusion of contract

(1)      The starting point for the conclusion of a contract for participation in an event is the offer or the registration form which bonding- studierendeninitiative e.V. (hereinafter referred to as „bonding“ or the „organizer“) has made available to the customer by e-mail or post or in digital form via the company intranet.

a.          Offer:

i.          The offer is used in particular for individual events such as excursions, lectures, workshops and training courses.

ii          The customer can accept this by sending a corresponding declaration in good time so that it reaches the organizer within the period specified in the offer. This is excluded if the organizer has already withdrawn or revoked its offer by sending a corresponding notification to the customer.
iii         If the contract is concluded by timely acceptance of the offer, the customer will receive written confirmation of the registration.

b.          Registration form (request for offer):

i.          The registration form is used in particular for major events such as trade fairs or theme days.
ii          The contract can only be concluded by sending the completed registration form in good time by email, post or the digital company intranet. Once the registration form has been received by the organizer, the customer will receive a written confirmation of the registration by email or via the digital company intranet, provided there are sufficient places available or other reasons not preventing this, with which the conclusion of the contract becomes legally binding.

(2)      If the customer refers to their own contractual conditions in the registration, this does not constitute an effective acceptance of the offer or registration for the event. In this case, the organizer is not obliged to inform the customer that no effective registration has been made.

II. Purpose of the event

(1)      These GTC apply to all events, in particular trade fairs, major events, excursions, lectures, workshops and training sessions. The sole purpose of the events is for the customers to present themselves as potential employers for students, university and university of applied sciences graduates and doctoral candidates („participants“).

a.        Excursions in particular allow participants to find out about the customer‘s production facilities, corporate structure, corporate philosophy and personnel policy.

(2)      If the customer‘s presentation through exhibits, advertising materials, the conduct of its employees or in any other way does not directly aim to present the customer as a future employer to students at universities and universities of applied sciences, or if the customer‘s presentation at a trade fair is not limited to the allocated stand space, the organizer may exclude the customer from the event.

III. Advertising

(1)      The organizer is obliged to advertise the event. The form, content and scope of the advertising are at the sole discretion of the organizer.
(2)      The organizer is entitled to use the customer‘s name and logo and other symbols to advertise the event without requiring the customer‘s separate consent.
(3)     The customer is obliged to provide the organizer with all information and documents required for advertising in good time upon request. If the customer fails to comply with this obligation, the organizer shall be entitled not to mention the customer when advertising the event.
(4)      Advertising measures by the customer for the event require the consent of the organizer. This shall only be granted if the customer‘s advertising measures for the event expressly identify bonding-studierendeninitiative e.V. as the organizer. This paragraph also applies to advertising by third parties on behalf of the customer.
(5)     The organizer is entitled to make sound, image and film recordings of the event and to use these for advertising or otherwise publish them without the customer being able to assert any claims against the organizer. By registering, the customer confirms that his employees, insofar as they participate in the event, may be depicted in words and images for the purpose of advertising or other publication.

IV. Rights and obligations of the organizer

(1)     The organizer may change the event location for objective reasons, provided that the event takes place in the same city. This change does not entitle the customer to assert any rights or withdraw from the contract.
(2)       The organizer is entitled to cancel the event if its implementation is at risk or if not enough participants have registered for the event. In this case, the customer will be refunded any fees already paid. Claims for damages by the customer due to the cancellation are excluded.

V. Rights and obligations of the customer

(1)       Notwithstanding the provision in Section IV.2, the customer must pay the agreed remuneration to the organizer within 30 days of invoicing.
(2)       In the case of excursions, the customer must inform the organizer of the exact on-site program at least two weeks before the event. If the organizer does not agree to the program, it must be adjusted in consultation with the organizer. The customer shall bear all costs for the on-site program, including any catering for the participants.

VI. Resignation

(1)      The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract. Withdrawal must be declared in writing to the organizer. It shall become effective upon receipt of the written declaration of withdrawal by the organizer.
(2)      If the customer withdraws from an excursion, he shall remain obliged to pay the agreed expense allowance and any travel costs already incurred.
(3)     If the customer withdraws from participation in a major event or trade fair and the organizer receives the notice of withdrawal more than six weeks before the start of the event, the customer shall remain obliged to pay half of the agreed fee to the organizer. If the declaration of withdrawal is received by the organizer later than six weeks before the start of the trade fair, the customer shall remain obliged to pay the agreed fee in full . The customer reserves the right to prove that the organizer has incurred lower expenses.
(4)     In the event of withdrawal, the customer shall remain obliged to pay for any additional services and image advertisements already provided as soon as the organizer has incurred expenses. The customer reserves the right to prove that the organizer has incurred lower expenses.

VII. Liability

(1)      Claims for damages by the customer against the organizer are excluded unless the damage was caused by intentional or grossly negligent conduct on the part of the organizer or its vicarious agents or members acting on its behalf, or i s based on injury to the life, limb or health of a natural person. This does not apply to slightly negligent breaches of essential contractual obligations, insofar as the amount of damage does not exceed the damage foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded and typical for the contract. Essential contractual obligations are obligations whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract or whose breach jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract and on whose compliance the other party may regularly rely. Claims for compensation for loss of profit are excluded in all cases.
(2)      Furthermore, the organizer shall not be liable to the customer for any damage caused by visitors to the event.
(3)     The customer may not assert any claims against the organizer due to exclusion from the event pursuant to II. sentence 2 or due to the cancellation of the event pursuant to IV. sentence 2, with the exception of the claim regulated in VI. sentence 3.
(4)      The customer shall be liable to the organizer for all damage caused to the presentation facilities and furnishings provided by the organizer, unless the organizer is responsible for the damage.

VIII. Data Protection

If it is necessary for the event that the customer receives information about the participants from the organizer in advance of the events, these data transmissions serve only to carry out the event, including the creation of visitor passes for the event. The customer is not entitled to process the transmitted names of the participants for other purposes and must delete them as soon as the processing is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose. The customer is free to collect personal data of the participants on his own responsibility.

IX. Written form

Amendments and additions to the contract must be made in writing. This applies in particular to amendments or additions to this paragraph.

X. Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising from this contract or from the event is Aachen.

XI. Severability clause

Should one or more provisions of this contract be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and the contract as a whole.